Case:             # 2016-20

Location:  Private Residence, Bowmanville, Ontario


Weather:  Clouds, 15C


This is the second time to this location. Since the last visit the activity has increased and a brother has passed on. Base reads all maintained the same. An interview of a babysitter who described the infant being tucked firm into a mattress upon her discovery. People getting sick in the home (our investigator Shannon got very ill there in the livingroom) This time around much of the same. Very little activity. However we did hear a help me over the DVR speakers, and when Phil was doing a solo a confluence of voices answering him. This did not show on audio as the central line was not properly set. However this time, Sandy became violently ill and Chris also felt sick. Upon the evidence review in the living room a muffled "It's me James" came across the audio. Actually quite clear, presented to client and she seems satisfied with that result that it is relative to the case.


We believe longer analysis and research should be done to establish a solid claim. But something seems to be present.



Male Voice

PHOTOS from this investigation