Case:             # 2021-06

Location:  Avenue Rd, Private Residence, Toronto, Ontario

Climate: -10C and snowing

Date: November 2021


The feeling the pressure of a visitor on the bed and smelling smoke.


Base reads for this investigation were not totally unexpected. The FLIR showed that the apartment is very poorly insulated. Despite a tight variable of the temperature flux, the pictures show a wide difference. Doors, windows and gaps between appliances and such. Floor was very spotty as well. The EMF detector was on a different unit reading but, the action on the kitchen counter by putting pressure on the counter itself maybe shows something going on with the wires installed. Grounding etc. May wish to have that looked at. Exterior noise was also something that had to be contended with and accounted for.

During the investigation the EVP did not bounce. They did not experience the bed settling nor the smoke, nor could it be disputed or disproven. These are personal accounts of the client.

The audio did come up clean on 2 recorders, mitigating the exterior noise taken into account.

While on the bed asking questions the trigger balls did go off to a question. Now they are activated by movement only. It is odd that this did only occur once in the 90 minutes they were on the bed and when certain sets of questions were asked. We cannot dispute that this may have come down to movement but interesting that the isolated occurrence happened that way. The 6 minute video is heavily condensed. Only one time they went off 90 mins on the bed. Even openly moving about at times. That is left to personal opinion of course. In the end it is circumstantial


Verdict we can't prove or disprove claims at this point. We believe a sentinel investigation should be in place so we have longer footage and trends to go off.


PHOTOS from this investigation